Under Review


Fang Wan, Zheng Wang, Wei Zhang, Chaoyang Song

SeeThruFinger: See and Grasp Anything via a Multi-Modal Soft Touch Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Under Review

SeeThruFinger: See and Grasp Anything via a Multi-Modal Soft Touch

Chengxiao Dong, Yu Pan, Xuanyi Dai, Edmond Ho Nang, Chaoyang Song, Fang Wan

Enhancing Full-Arch Intraoral Measurement with Robotic Process Automation Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Submitted to Journal of Bionic Engineering).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Under Review

Enhancing Full-Arch Intraoral Measurement with Robotic Process Automation

Rongzheng Zhang, Wanghongjie Qiu, Jianuo Qiu, Yuqin Guo, Chengxiao Dong, Tuo Zhang, Juan Yi, Chaoyang Song, Harry Asada, Fang Wan

Multi-Modal Intention Recognition Combining Head Motion and Throat Vibration for Underwater Superlimbs Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Invited Submission to IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering ).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Under Review

Multi-Modal Intention Recognition Combining Head Motion and Throat Vibration for Underwater Superlimbs

Haoran Sun, Bangchao Huang, Zishang Zhang, Ronghan Xu, Guojing Huang, Shihao Feng, Guangyi Huang, Jiayi Yin, Nuofan Qiu, Hua Chen, Wei Zhang, Jia Pan, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Overconstrained Locomotion Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Submitted to 2024 International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR)).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Under Review

Overconstrained Locomotion

Yujian Dong, Tianyu Wu, and Chaoyang Song

Optimizing Robotic Manipulation with Decision-RWKV: A Recurrent Sequence Modeling Approach for Lifelong Learning Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Submitted to the Special Issue on Large Language Models In Design And Manufacturing in the Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Under Review

Optimizing Robotic Manipulation with Decision-RWKV: A Recurrent Sequence Modeling Approach for Lifelong Learning

Yuping Gu, Bangchao Huang, Haoran Sun, Ronghan Xu, Jiayi Yin, Fang Wan, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

One-DoF Robotic Design of Overconstrained Limbs with Energy-Efficient, Self-Collision-Free Motion Online Forthcoming

Forthcoming, (Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Under Review

One-DoF Robotic Design of Overconstrained Limbs with Energy-Efficient, Self-Collision-Free Motion

Journal Articles


Xudong Han, Ning Guo, Yu Jie, He Wang, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

On Flange-Based 3D Hand-Eye Calibration for Soft Robotic Tactile Welding Journal Article

In: Measurement, vol. 238, iss. October, pp. 115376, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, JCR Q1, Measurement

On Flange-Based 3D Hand-Eye Calibration for Soft Robotic Tactile Welding

Ning Guo, Xudong Han, Shuqiao Zhong, Zhiyuan Zhou, Jian Lin, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Reconstructing Soft Robotic Touch via In-Finger Vision Journal Article

In: Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 6, iss. October, no. 10, pp. 2400022, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adv. Intell. Syst. (AIS), Corresponding Author, Front Cover, JCR Q1

Reconstructing Soft Robotic Touch via In-Finger Vision

Ning Guo, Xudong Han, Shuqiao Zhong, Zhiyuan Zhou, Jian Lin, Jiansheng Dai, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Proprioceptive State Estimation for Amphibious Tactile Sensing Journal Article Forthcoming

In: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Forthcoming, (Early Access).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, IEEE Trans. Robot. (T-RO), JCR Q1

Proprioceptive State Estimation for Amphibious Tactile Sensing

Xiaobo Liu, Xudong Han, Wei Hong, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Proprioceptive Learning with Soft Polyhedral Networks Journal Article Forthcoming

In: The International Journal of Robotics Research, Forthcoming, (OnlineFirst).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Int. J. Robot. Res. (IJRR), JCR Q1

Proprioceptive Learning with Soft Polyhedral Networks

Tianyu Wu, Yujian Dong, Xiaobo Liu, Xudong Han, Yang Xiao, Jinqi Wei, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Vision-based Tactile Intelligence with Soft Robotic Metamaterial Journal Article

In: Materials & Design, vol. 238, iss. February, pp. 112629, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, JCR Q1, Mat. Des.

Vision-based Tactile Intelligence with Soft Robotic Metamaterial

Ning Guo, Xudong Han, Xiaobo Liu, Shuqiao Zhong, Zhiyuan Zhou, Jian Lin, Jiansheng Dai, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Autoencoding a Soft Touch to Learn Grasping from On-land to Underwater Journal Article

In: Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 6, iss. January, no. 1, pp. 2300382, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adv. Intell. Syst. (AIS), Corresponding Author, Front Cover, JCR Q1

Autoencoding a Soft Touch to Learn Grasping from On-land to Underwater

Yu Pan, Xuanyi Dai, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song, James KH Tsoi, Edmond HN Pow

A Novel Post-Processing Strategy to Improve the Accuracy of Complete-Arch Intraoral Scanning for Implants: An In Vitro Study Journal Article

In: Journal of Dentistry, vol. 139, iss. December, pp. 104761, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, J. Dent., JCR Q1

A Novel Post-Processing Strategy to Improve the Accuracy of Complete-Arch Intraoral Scanning for Implants: An In Vitro Study

Xiaobo Liu, Xudong Han, Ning Guo, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Bio-inspired Proprioceptive Touch of a Soft Finger with Inner-Finger Kinesthetic Perception Journal Article

In: Biomimetics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 501, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biomimetics, Corresponding Author, JCR Q1

Bio-inspired Proprioceptive Touch of a Soft Finger with Inner-Finger Kinesthetic Perception

Yuping Gu, Ziqian Wang, Shihao Feng, Haoran Sun, Haibo Lu, Jia Pan, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Computational Design Towards Energy Efficient Optimization in Overconstrained Robotic Limbs Journal Article

In: Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol. 10, iss. October, no. 5, pp. 1941–1956, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Editor's Choice, J. Comput. Des. Eng. (JCDE), JCR Q1

Computational Design Towards Energy Efficient Optimization in Overconstrained Robotic Limbs

Jiayu Huo, Jingran Wang, Yuqin Guo, Wanghongjie Qiu, Mingdong Chen, Harry Asada, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Reconfigurable Design and Modeling of an Underwater Superlimb for Diving Assistance Journal Article

In: Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 5, iss. November, no. 11, pp. 2300245, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adv. Intell. Syst. (AIS), Back Cover, Corresponding Author, Editor's Choice, JCR Q1

Reconfigurable Design and Modeling of an Underwater Superlimb for Diving Assistance

Haoran Sun, Linhan Yang, Yuping Gu, Jia Pan, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Bridging Locomotion and Manipulation Using Reconfigurable Robotic Limbs via Reinforcement Learning Journal Article

In: Biomimetics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 364, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biomimetics, Corresponding Author, JCR Q1

Bridging Locomotion and Manipulation Using Reconfigurable Robotic Limbs via Reinforcement Learning

Linhan Yang, Bidan Huang, Qingbiao Li, Ya-Yen Tsai, Wang Wei Lee, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

TacGNN: Learning Tactile-based In-hand Manipulation with a Blind Robot using Hierarchical Graph Neural Network Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, iss. June, no. 6, pp. 3605-3612, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

TacGNN: Learning Tactile-based In-hand Manipulation with a Blind Robot using Hierarchical Graph Neural Network

Hao Tian, Chaoyang Song, Changbo Wang, Xinyu Zhang, Jia Pan

Sampling-Based Planning for Retrieving Near-Cylindrical Objects in Cluttered Scenes Using Hierarchical Graphs Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 39, iss. February, no. 1, pp. 165-182, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, IEEE Trans. Robot. (T-RO), JCR Q1

Sampling-Based Planning for Retrieving Near-Cylindrical Objects in Cluttered Scenes Using Hierarchical Graphs

You Li, Zhuokang Huang, Xiaobo Liu, Yu Jie, Chaoyang Song, Chengzhi Hu

Calibrated Analytical Model for Magnetic Localization of Wireless Capsule Endoscope based on Onboard Sensing Journal Article

In: Robotica, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1500-1514, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, JCR Q3, Robotica

Calibrated Analytical Model for Magnetic Localization of Wireless Capsule Endoscope based on Onboard Sensing

Yuping Gu, Shihao Feng, Yuqin Guo, Fang Wan, Jiansheng Dai, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

Overconstrained Coaxial Design of Robotic Legs with Omni-directional Locomotion Journal Article

In: Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 176, iss. October, pp. 105018, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, JCR Q1, Mech. Mach. Theory (MMT)

Overconstrained Coaxial Design of Robotic Legs with Omni-directional Locomotion

Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Katja Hölttä-Otto, Warren Seering, Kevin Otto

Crowdfunding for Design Innovation: Prediction Model with Critical Factors Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 69, iss. August, no. 4, pp. 1565-1576, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, First Author, IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. (TEM), JCR Q1

Crowdfunding for Design Innovation: Prediction Model with Critical Factors

Haokun Wang, Xiaobo Liu, Nuofan Qiu, Ning Guo, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

DeepClaw 2.0: A Data Collection Platform for Learning Human Manipulation Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 9, pp. 787291, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Front. Robot. AI. (FROBT), JCR Q2

DeepClaw 2.0: A Data Collection Platform for Learning Human Manipulation

Youcan Yan, Yajing Shen, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

Tactile Super-Resolution Model for Soft Magnetic Skin Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, iss. April, no. 2, pp. 2589-2596, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Dual-Track, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

Tactile Super-Resolution Model for Soft Magnetic Skin

Haiyang Jiang, Xudong Han, Yonglin Jing, Ning Guo, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Rigid-Soft Interactive Design of a Lobster-Inspired Finger Surface for Enhanced Grasping Underwater Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, pp. 787187, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Front. Robot. AI. (FROBT), JCR Q2

Rigid-Soft Interactive Design of a Lobster-Inspired Finger Surface for Enhanced Grasping Underwater

Sicong Liu, Yuming Zhu, Zicong Zhang, Zhonggui Fang, Jiyong Tan, Jing Peng, Chaoyang Song, Harry Asada, Zheng Wang

Otariidae-Inspired Soft-Robotic Supernumerary Flippers by Fabric Kirigami and Origami Journal Article

In: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, iss. October, no. 5, pp. 2747-2757, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron. (TMech), JCR Q1

Otariidae-Inspired Soft-Robotic Supernumerary Flippers by Fabric Kirigami and Origami

Baiyue Wang, Weijie Guo, Shihao Feng, Hongdong Yi, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Volumetrically Enhanced Soft Actuator with Proprioceptive Sensing Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, iss. July, no. 3, pp. 5284-5291, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

Volumetrically Enhanced Soft Actuator with Proprioceptive Sensing

Linhan Yang, Xudong Han, Weijie Guo, Fang Wan, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

Learning-based Optoelectronically Innervated Tactile Finger for Rigid-Soft Interactive Grasping Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, iss. April, no. 2, pp. 3817 - 3824, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

Learning-based Optoelectronically Innervated Tactile Finger for Rigid-Soft Interactive Grasping

Youcan Yan, Zhe Hu, Zhengbao Yang, Wenzhen Yuan, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan, Yajing Shen

Soft Magnetic Skin for Super-Resolution Tactile Sensing with Force Self-Decoupling Journal Article

In: Science Robotics, vol. 6, no. 51, pp. eabc8801, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, JCR Q1, Sci. Robot.

Soft Magnetic Skin for Super-Resolution Tactile Sensing with Force Self-Decoupling

Fang Wan, Haokun Wang, Jiyuan Wu, Yujia Liu, Sheng Ge, Chaoyang Song

A Reconfigurable Design for Omni-adaptive Grasp Learning Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, iss. July, no. 3, pp. 4210-4217, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

A Reconfigurable Design for Omni-adaptive Grasp Learning

Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Flange-Based Hand-Eye Calibration Using a 3D Camera with High Resolution, Accuracy, and Frame Rate Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 7, pp. 65, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Front. Robot. AI. (FROBT), JCR Q2

Flange-Based Hand-Eye Calibration Using a 3D Camera with High Resolution, Accuracy, and Frame Rate

Linhan Yang, Fang Wan, Haokun Wang, Xiaobo Liu, Yujia Liu, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

Rigid-Soft Interactive Learning for Robust Grasping Journal Article

In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, iss. April, no. 2, pp. 1720 - 1727, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett. (RA-L), JCR Q2

Rigid-Soft Interactive Learning for Robust Grasping

Juan Yi, Xiaojiao Chen, Chaoyang Song, Jianshu Zhou, Yujia Liu, Sicong Liu, Zheng Wang

Customizable Three-Dimensional-Printed Origami Soft Robotic Joint with Effective Behavior Shaping for Safe Interactions Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 35, iss. February, no. 1, pp. 114-123, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, IEEE Trans. Robot. (T-RO), JCR Q1

Customizable Three-Dimensional-Printed Origami Soft Robotic Joint with Effective Behavior Shaping for Safe Interactions

Katja Hölttä-Otto, Kevin Otto, Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Timothy Li, Carolyn C. Seepersad, Warren Seering

The Characteristics of Innovative, Mechanical Products—10 Years Later Journal Article

In: Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 140, iss. August, no. 8, pp. 084501, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, J. Mech. Des. (JMD), JCR Q2

The Characteristics of Innovative, Mechanical Products—10 Years Later

Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

A Neural Network with Logical Reasoning based on Auxiliary Inputs Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 5, pp. 86, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Front. Robot. AI. (FROBT), JCR Q2

A Neural Network with Logical Reasoning based on Auxiliary Inputs

Juan Yi, Xiaojiao Chen, Chaoyang Song, Zheng Wang

Fiber-Reinforced Origamic Robotic Actuator Journal Article

In: Soft Robotics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 81-92, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, JCR Q1, Soft Robot. (SORO)

Fiber-Reinforced Origamic Robotic Actuator

Yaohui Chen, Fang Wan, Tong Wu, Chaoyang Song

Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-inspired Hybrid Actuator Journal Article

In: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 28, iss. December, no. 1, pp. 014007, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, J. Micromech. Microeng. (JMM), JCR Q2

Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-inspired Hybrid Actuator

Chaoyang Song, Huijuan Feng, Yan Chen, I-Ming Chen, Rongjie Kang

Reconfigurable Mechanism Generated from the Network of Bennett Linkages Journal Article

In: Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 88, iss. June, pp. 49-62, 2015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, JCR Q1, Mech. Mach. Theory (MMT)

Reconfigurable Mechanism Generated from the Network of Bennett Linkages

Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen, I-Ming Chen

Kinematic Study of the Original and Revised General Line-Symmetric Bricard 6R Linkages Journal Article

In: Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, vol. 6, iss. August, no. 3, pp. 031002, 2014.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, J. Mech. Robot. (JMR), JCR Q2

Kinematic Study of the Original and Revised General Line-Symmetric Bricard 6R Linkages

Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen, I-Ming Chen

A 6R Linkage Reconfigurable between the Line-Symmetric Bricard Linkage and the Bennett Linkage Journal Article

In: Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 70, iss. December, pp. 278-292, 2013.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, JCR Q1, Mech. Mach. Theory (MMT)

A 6R Linkage Reconfigurable between the Line-Symmetric Bricard Linkage and the Bennett Linkage

Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen

Multiple Linkage Forms and Bifurcation Behaviours of the Double-Subtractive-Goldberg 6R Linkage Journal Article

In: Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 57, iss. November, pp. 95-110, 2012.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, JCR Q1, Mech. Mach. Theory (MMT)

Multiple Linkage Forms and Bifurcation Behaviours of the Double-Subtractive-Goldberg 6R Linkage

Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen

A Family of Mixed Double-Goldberg 6R Linkages Journal Article

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 468, no. 2139, pp. 871-890, 2012.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, JCR Q1, Proc. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci.

A Family of Mixed Double-Goldberg 6R Linkages

Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen

A Spatial 6R Linkage Derived from Subtractive Goldberg 5R Linkages Journal Article

In: Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 46, iss. August, no. 8, pp. 1097-1106, 2011.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, JCR Q1, Mech. Mach. Theory (MMT)

A Spatial 6R Linkage Derived from Subtractive Goldberg 5R Linkages

Conference Papers


Linhan Yang, Lei Yang, Haoran Sun, Zeqing Zhang, Haibin He, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

One Fling to Goal: Environment-aware Dynamics for Goal-conditioned Fabric Flinging Conference Forthcoming

Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Chicago, USA, Forthcoming, (Accepted).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, WAFR

One Fling to Goal: Environment-aware Dynamics for Goal-conditioned Fabric Flinging

Yenan Chen, Chuye Zhang, Pengxi Gu, Jianuo Qiu, Jiayi Yin, Nuofan Qiu, Guojing Huang, Bangchao Huang, Zishang Zhang, Hui Deng, Wei Zhang, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Evolutionary Morphology Towards Overconstrained Locomotion via Large-Scale, Multi-Terrain Deep Reinforcement Learning Conference

IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2024), Chicago, USA, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ReMAR

Evolutionary Morphology Towards Overconstrained Locomotion via Large-Scale, Multi-Terrain Deep Reinforcement Learning

Sen Li, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Active Surface with Passive Omni-Directional Adaptation for In-Hand Manipulation Conference

IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR2024), Chicago, USA, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ReMAR

Active Surface with Passive Omni-Directional Adaptation for In-Hand Manipulation

Nuofan Qiu, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Describing Robots from Design to Learning: Towards an Interactive Lifecycle Representation of Robots Conference Forthcoming

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM2024), Tokyo, Japan, Forthcoming, (Accepted).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICARM

Describing Robots from Design to Learning: Towards an Interactive Lifecycle Representation of Robots

Tianyu Wu, Yujian Dong, Yang Xiao, Jinqi Wei, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Vision-based, Low-cost, Soft Robotic Tongs for Shareable and Reproducible Tactile Learning Conference Forthcoming

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM2024), Tokyo, Japan, Forthcoming, (Accepted).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICARM

Vision-based, Low-cost, Soft Robotic Tongs for Shareable and Reproducible Tactile Learning

Xudong Han, Sheng Liu, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Vision-based Tactile Sensing for an Omni-adaptive Soft Finger Conference

IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), Macau SAR, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICDL

Vision-based Tactile Sensing for an Omni-adaptive Soft Finger

Linhan Yang, Bidan Huang, Qingbiao Li, Ya-Yen Tsai, Wang Wei Lee, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

TacGNN: Learning Tactile-Based In-Hand Manipulation with a Blind Robot Using Hierarchical Graph Neural Network Conference

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Huntington Place, Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2023, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2023.3264759).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Dual-Track, IROS

TacGNN: Learning Tactile-Based In-Hand Manipulation with a Blind Robot Using Hierarchical Graph Neural Network

Xiaobo Liu, Fang Wan, Sheng Ge, Haokun Wang, Haoran Sun, Chaoyang Song

Jigsaw-based Benchmarking for Learning Robotic Manipulation Honorable Mention Conference

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), Sanya, China, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Best Conference Paper Finalist, Corresponding Author, ICARM

Jigsaw-based Benchmarking for Learning Robotic Manipulation

Yuqin Guo, Rongzheng Zhang, Wanghongjie Qiu, Harry Asada, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Underwater Intention Recognition using Head Motion and Throat Vibration for Supernumerary Robotic Assistance Best Paper Conference

IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Best Healthcare Automation Paper Award, CASE, Corresponding Author, Paper Award

Underwater Intention Recognition using Head Motion and Throat Vibration for Supernumerary Robotic Assistance

Juan Yi, Xiaojiao Chen, Zhonggui Fang, Yujia Liu, Dehao Duanmu, Yinyin Su, Chaoyang Song, Sicong Liu, Zheng Wang

A Soft Wearable Elbow Skeleton for Safe Motion Assistance by Variable Stiffness Conference

ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC/CIE), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, DETC/CIE

A Soft Wearable Elbow Skeleton for Safe Motion Assistance by Variable Stiffness

Youcan Yan, Yajing Shen, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

Tactile Super-Resolution Model for Soft Magnetic Skin Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia (PA), USA, 2022, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2022.3141449).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Dual-Track, ICRA

Tactile Super-Resolution Model for Soft Magnetic Skin

Fang Wan, Xiaobo Liu, Ning Guo, Xudong Han, Feng Tian, Chaoyang Song

Visual Learning Towards Soft Robot Force Control using a 3D Metamaterial with Differential Stiffness Conference

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), London & Virtual, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: CoRL, Corresponding Author

Visual Learning Towards Soft Robot Force Control using a 3D Metamaterial with Differential Stiffness

Shihao Feng, Yuping Gu, Weijie Guo, Yuqin Guo, Fang Wan, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

An Overconstrained Robotic Leg with Coaxial Quasi-direct Drives for Omni-directional Ground Mobility Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi’an, China, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICRA

An Overconstrained Robotic Leg with Coaxial Quasi-direct Drives for Omni-directional Ground Mobility

Linhan Yang, Xudong Han, Weijie Guo, Fang Wan, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

Learning-based Optoelectronically Innervated Tactile Finger for Rigid-Soft Interactive Grasping Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Xi’an, China, 2021, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2021.3065186).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Dual-Track, ICRA

Learning-based Optoelectronically Innervated Tactile Finger for Rigid-Soft Interactive Grasping

Weijie Guo, Baiyue Wang, Shihao Feng, Hongdong Yi, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Volumetrically Enhanced Soft Actuator with Proprioceptive Sensing Conference

IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA, 2021, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2021.3072859).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Dual-Track, RoboSoft

Volumetrically Enhanced Soft Actuator with Proprioceptive Sensing

Haiyang Jiang, Yonglin Jing, Ning Guo, Weijie Guo, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

Lobster-inspired Finger Surface Design for Grasping with Enhanced Robustness Conference

IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, RoboSoft

Lobster-inspired Finger Surface Design for Grasping with Enhanced Robustness

Fang Wan, Haokun Wang, Xiaobo Liu, Linhan Yang, Chaoyang Song

DeepClaw: A Robotic Hardware Benchmarking Platform for Learning Object Manipulation Conference

IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Boston, MA, USA, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: AIM, Corresponding Author

DeepClaw: A Robotic Hardware Benchmarking Platform for Learning Object Manipulation

Linhan Yang, Fang Wan, Haokun Wang, Xiaobo Liu, Yujia Liu, Jia Pan, Chaoyang Song

Rigid-Soft Interactive Learning for Robust Grasping Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, France, 2020, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/lra.2020.2969932).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Dual-Track, ICRA

Rigid-Soft Interactive Learning for Robust Grasping

Zeyi Yang, Sheng Ge, Fang Wan, Yujia Liu, Chaoyang Song

Scalable Tactile Sensing for an Omni-adaptive Soft Robot Finger Conference

IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, RoboSoft

Scalable Tactile Sensing for an Omni-adaptive Soft Robot Finger

Xia Wu, Haiyuan Liu, Ziqi Liu, Mingdong Chen, Fang Wan, Chenglong Fu, Harry Asada, Zheng Wang, Chaoyang Song

Robotic Cane as a Soft SuperLimb for Elderly Sit-to-Stand Assistance Conference

IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, RoboSoft

Robotic Cane as a Soft SuperLimb for Elderly Sit-to-Stand Assistance

Fang Wan, Haokun Wang, Jiyuan Wu, Yujia Liu, Sheng Ge, Chaoyang Song

A Reconfigurable Design for Omni-Adaptive Grasp Learning Conference

IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), New Haven, CT, USA, 2020, (Dual-track Submission with RAL: https://doi.org/10.1109/lra.2020.2982059).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, Dual-Track, RoboSoft

A Reconfigurable Design for Omni-Adaptive Grasp Learning

Xinyao Hu, Chuang Luo, Hao Li, Liyao Jia, Chaoyang Song, Zheng Wang, Xingda Qu

An Ankle Based Soft Active Orthotic Device Powered by Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Conference

IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), Irkutsk, Russia, 2019.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, RCAR


Xiaojiao Chen, Tommy Hu, Chaoyang Song, Zheng Wang

Analytical Solution to Global Dynamic Balance Control of the Acrobot Conference

IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), Kandima, Maldives, 2018.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, RCAR


Fang Wan, Zheng Wang, Brooke Franchuk, Xinyao Hu, Zhenglong Sun, Chaoyang Song

Hybrid Actuator Design for a Gait Augmentation Wearable Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Macau, 2017.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ROBIO


Yaohui Chen, Sing Le, Qiao Chu Tan, Oscar Lau, Chaoyang Song

A Lobster-Inspired Hybrid Actuator with Rigid and Soft Components Conference

ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC/CIE), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Co-Author, Corresponding Author


Yaohui Chen, Sing Le, Qiao Chu Tan, Oscar Lau, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

A Reconfigurable Hybrid Actuator with Rigid and Soft Components Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2017.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICRA


Yaohui Chen, Sing Le, Qiao Chu Tan, Oscar Lau, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song

A Lobster-inspired Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation Conference

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2017.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Corresponding Author, ICRA


Juan Yi, Zhong Shen, Chaoyang Song, Zheng Wang

A Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Motion Assistance Honorable Mention Conference

IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), Angkor Wat, Cambodia, 2016.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Best Conference Paper Finalist, Co-Author, Paper Award, RCAR


Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Katja Hölttä-Otto, Kevin Otto, Warren Seering

The Design of Crowd-Funded Products Conference

ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC/CIE), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2015.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: DETC/CIE, First Author


Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Katja Hölttä-Otto, Kevin Otto, Warren Seering

Risk and Innovation Balance in Crowdfunding New Products Honorable Mention Conference

International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Milan, Italy, 2015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, ICED, Paper Award, Reviewers' Favorites Award


Chaoyang Song, Jianxi Luo, Katja Hölttä-Otto, Kevin Otto

Product Innovation Differences between New Ventures and Incumbent Firms Conference

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2014.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: AoM, Corresponding Author, First Author


Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen, I-Ming Chen

Bifurcation Behavior of the Line-Symmetric Bricard Linkage without Offsets Conference

IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM), Singapore, 2013.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, ISRM


Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen

A Special Wohlharts Double-Goldberg 6R Linkage and Its Multiple Operation Forms among 4R and 6R Linkages Honorable Mention Conference

ASME/IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR), Tianjin, China, 2012.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, ReMAR, Travel Grant, Young Delegate Travel Grant


Chaoyang Song, Yan Chen

The Original Double-Goldberg 6R Linkage and its Bifurcation Analysis Conference

IFToMM International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics (MuSME), Valencia, Spain, 2011.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: First Author, MuSME

Extended Abstracts


Haoran Sun, Linhan Yang, Zeqing Zhang, Ning Guo, Lei Yang, Fang Wan, Chaoyang Song, Jia Pan

CopGNN: Learning End-to-End Cloth Coverage Prediction via Graph Neural Networks Workshop

2024, (IROS 2024 Workshop on Benchmarking via Competitions in Robotic Grasping and Manipulation).


CopGNN: Learning End-to-End Cloth Coverage Prediction via Graph Neural Networks

Chaoyang Song

The Design and Learning of Overconstrained Mechanisms towards Overconstrained Robotics Workshop

Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium, Guimarães, Portugal, 2024, (Extended Abstract accepted to Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium).

Abstract | BibTeX

The Design and Learning of Overconstrained Mechanisms towards Overconstrained Robotics

Jianwen Luo, Sicong Liu, Chengyu Lin, Yong Zhou, Zixuan Fan, Zheng Wang, Chaoyang Song, H. Harry Asada, Chenglong Fu

Mapping Human Muscle Force to Supernumerary Robotics Device for Overhead Task Assistance Workshop

2020, (An Extended Abstract accepted to the IEEE/ASME AIM 2020 Workshop on Supernumerary Robotic Devices).

Links | BibTeX

Doctoral Thesis


Chaoyang Song

Kinematic Study of Overconstrained Linkages and Design of Reconfigurable Mechanisms PhD Thesis

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2013.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX