Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-inspired Hybrid Actuator

Yaohui Chen, Fang Wan, Tong Wu, Chaoyang Song: Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-inspired Hybrid Actuator. In: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 28, iss. December, no. 1, pp. 014007, 2017.


Soft pneumatic actuators (SPAs) are intrinsically light-weight, compliant and therefore ideal to directly interact with humans and be implemented into wearable robotic devices. However, they also pose new challenges in describing and sensing their continuous deformation. In this paper, we propose a hybrid actuator design with bio-inspirations from the lobsters, which can generate reconfigurable bending movements through the internal soft chamber interacting with the external rigid shells. This design with joint and link structures enables us to exactly track its bending configurations that previously posed a significant challenge to soft robots. Analytic models are developed to illustrate the soft-rigid interaction mechanism with experimental validation. A robotic glove using hybrid actuators to assist grasping is assembled to illustrate their potentials in safe human-robot interactions. Considering all the design merits, our work presents a practical approach to the design of next-generation robots capable of achieving both good accuracy and compliance.

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title = {Soft-Rigid Interaction Mechanism towards a Lobster-inspired Hybrid Actuator},
author = {Yaohui Chen and Fang Wan and Tong Wu and Chaoyang Song},
doi = {10.1088/1361-6439/aa9e25},
year  = {2017},
date = {2017-12-15},
urldate = {2017-12-15},
issuetitle = {Special Issue on Soft Robotics and Smart System Technologies},
journal = {Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering},
volume = {28},
number = {1},
issue = {December},
pages = {014007},
abstract = {Soft pneumatic actuators (SPAs) are intrinsically light-weight, compliant and therefore ideal to directly interact with humans and be implemented into wearable robotic devices. However, they also pose new challenges in describing and sensing their continuous deformation. In this paper, we propose a hybrid actuator design with bio-inspirations from the lobsters, which can generate reconfigurable bending movements through the internal soft chamber interacting with the external rigid shells. This design with joint and link structures enables us to exactly track its bending configurations that previously posed a significant challenge to soft robots. Analytic models are developed to illustrate the soft-rigid interaction mechanism with experimental validation. A robotic glove using hybrid actuators to assist grasping is assembled to illustrate their potentials in safe human-robot interactions. Considering all the design merits, our work presents a practical approach to the design of next-generation robots capable of achieving both good accuracy and compliance.},
keywords = {Corresponding Author, J. Micromech. Microeng. (JMM), JCR Q2},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}